
Traditionally, software is developed using the waterfall methodology. A specification is developed and honed, before software developers create the product and when this is complete, testers check that this matches requirements before it is released and deployed. Depending on the software, this can take weeks, if not months, to complete, and during that time the specifications change, timelines overrun and budgets are blown.

To counter these issues, the agile methodology organises the requirements gathering, development and testing in a completely different way, allowing the software and the processes around it to flex with business need as required. Obviously, this requires a totally different mindset, both from the business and the testing functions to succeed.

The industry has developed tools to support this new way of thinking but the transition of a traditionally structured team can be problematic. Magna Faber offers to introduce or accelerate your transition, opening up a new world of software development on time, within budget and to the customer’s satisfaction.